leaking windscreen

Forum for Land Rover Customer Relations
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Post by audre »

My Disco 5 2018 started leaking water into passenger side above windscreen, it started as a little drip, then driving back from London started pouring in. It was seriously dangerous to have more water pouring in than was on the outside !!!
I spoke to the dealer Harwoods who have said there is a problem with some cars sealant around the windscreen, and you cant reseal it, it needs a new screen and your have to wait 3 wks for an apt for us to look at it. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well apart from the fact that this should not be happening with a 65k + car, the level of service with a vehicle I now have left covered on the drive because in October in the UK it rains a lot and is too dangerous to use, I have no choice but to abandon it, surely this should be looked at urgently.
The waste of having to replace the whole screen for this problem. And for Land Rover not to immediately be offering to replace the screen is really unacceptable, Harwoods say they will have to apply and I guess wait, otherwise I have a fight on my hands.

This is my 5 Land Rover, and my most disappointing one - I hope they will do the right thing. Has anyone got any advise dealing with this problem. thanks

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Post by berkshirebod »

I have just had the same issue on my 2018 Disco 5. Started leaking above mirror followed a few days later at top left. It seems to be down to a poor seal between body and the windscreen.
I got quotes for resealing and found a windscreen fitter who said he had done dozens of LR leaky screens. I booked him and he sealed the windscreen from the inside - dropped the roof lining, (surprised me too), but he said that he had never had a failure. He charged me about a half of the other quotes for removal and resealing of old screen. He didn't like removal for resealing due to risk of breaking the screen. Took about 1 hour.
I am not sure where you are as Harwoods have a lot of garages, but my repairer was in Bracknell but came out to near Newbury.
I got about 6 quotes via mywindscreen dot co dot uk. He was the best.
Good luck
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Post by Jonjuk »

Looks like I have a leaking windscreen too in a brand new disco 5 2025 plate.

Noticed condensation on the inside over the last month and kind of ignored it but yesterday the inside of the windscreen was frozen.

Been in touch with LR and they can’t get me in till February.

My last one (2018 plate) developed the same problem and I was vacuuming water out the car for a month. Finally it cracked and I was able to get auto windscreens to put me a knew one in which solved the problem.

Land Rover seem resistant to admit this issue. My car had less than 2000 miles on the clock!

Watch this space.
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Joined: Thu Mar 21, 2024 7:40 pm

Post by disco_fever »


Could not agree more. this is an illness of the Disco 5 no matter the model year. Wed on't hear about those on the Defender.
we had ours also replaced- through insurance- but def. were lucky the dealer found one on stock-
happened before summer too.

Reaplacement is holding well so far (<1yr)
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